Celeric Root Fries

I talked about trying celeric root for the first time when I used it as icing for the meatloaf cupcakes recipe.  Recently I have been experimenting with other ways to use this potato-like veggie, my first being fries. For those who don’t know, I have a nightshade allergy, meaning I can’t eat potatoes, tomatoes, or peppers […]

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Meatloaf Cupcakes with Celeric Root Frosting

This is a fun recipe to turn every-day meatloaf into something that makes everyone feel like they’re having treats. What makes this recipe especially neat is the “icing”.  If you’re able to eat potatoes, you can blend some for the icing.  If you’re like me though with a nightshades allergy (potatoes, peppers, tomatoes), you’ve probably […]

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